Airpay Alipay & WeChat Payment Gateway for Shopify in Australia

Asiabill local payment module installation process

Step 1 Register or log in to your Shopify store to add Alipay and WeChat Pay as local Australian payment methods:

For security reasons, please manually copy the link below and enter it into your browser to access WeChatPay:

the link below to add Alipay,

Step 2 Install Payment provider

For the Shopify third-party payment gateway, please select Asiabill Local Payments and only enable Wechat Pay and Alipay.

Please note that due to country and regional differences, within the Asiabill payment gateway, WeChat Pay and Alipay are integrated with Airpay.

Step 3 In Settings-Payment providers-Alternative payments, select WechaPay and Alipay via Asiabill payment channels
Step 4 Fill in your GatewayID and password, click “save” to save the settings

1) To obtain your GatewayID and password, please contact Airpay to apply for opening your Asiabill WeChat Pay and Alipay payment accounts in Australia.

2) Check “Use test mode” to enable test transactions; uncheck to enable formal transactions. 3) Payment Methods Check the card type to display the corresponding payment method logo on the payment page.

Step 5 Select “Automatically” for Payment authorization at the bottom of the page and click “Save”. This completes the payment module settings.
Step 6 Completes Payment Settings
Select “Automatically” for Payment authorization at the bottom of the page and click “Save”. This completes the payment module settings.
Step 7 Checkout process settings

1. Select “Checkout” in your Shopify store settings.

2.  Select “Customer can only check out using Email”, “Require first and last name”, “Company name Hidden” in sequence according to the requirements shown in the figure.

“Address line 2 Optional” and “Shipping address phone number Required”, and click “save” in the upper right corner to save.


WeChat Pay and Alipay are the largest third-party payment platforms in China, commanding the biggest market share.

On the Shopify platform, Asiabill is a multi-payment aggregation brand. In Australia, the WeChat Pay and Alipay services offered through the Asiabill Local Payment plugin are provided by Airpay.

Please note that the features and interface of third-party payment gateways on the Shopify platform may evolve over time. The information provided here is for reference purposes only, and the final outcome may vary based on actual updates and changes.

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